
4 Steps to Take When Planning Your Paving Project

Two contractors plan an asphalt paving project before kicking off the work. Projects would be so much more simple if they would just take care of themselves!

Construction projects bring together a lot of moving parts from the materials, the equipment, the designers, the laborers, the permits, and more. Asphalt paving projects can feel overwhelming, so it helps to break them down into more manageable steps. Starting can be the toughest part, so let’s make it more approachable.

Keep reading to learn more about the steps for planning your asphalt paving project. 

Paving Project Step 1 - Evaluate Your Current Asphalt

The first step is to check on what you have right now. Inspect your current asphalt pavement looking for cracks, holes, damage, or any issues. Make sure to drive the entire paving section for roadways, possibly with several vehicles, and walk the surface for parking lots. A thorough inspection can help prevent issues down the road. 

Paving Project Step 2 - Research the Asphalt Repair Options

Everything falls apart eventually. Each material will require different maintenance to maintain its integrity. You must understand the various repair options for your asphalt pavement to keep it functional as long as possible. Consider the following:

  • Crack Filling - Cracks start small and get bigger. Patch these immediately to prevent more intense repairs later.
  • Sealcoating - This option puts a protective layer over your pavement. The layer will protect against oil, water, weather, fuel, and more.
  • Milling - This process removes the top layer of asphalt while leaving lower layers untouched.

Paving Project Step 3 - Know the Types of Asphalt

There are several different types of asphalt with different uses. The following are the most common types:

  • Hot Mix Asphalt - A type of asphalt made with high-heat used for runways, highways, and more.
  • Warm Mix Asphalt - This type uses waxes and emulsions to bind and is safer on the environment.
  • Mastic Asphalt - Similar to Hot Mix, but using less bitumen.

Learn more about the different types of asphalt materials here.

Paving Project Step 4 - Budgeting

Projecting the costs of any project is a large part of planning. While you explore your options, make sure to include a restorative project about once every decade or so. It will be nice having that money around if you don’t spend it, but it would be bad if you needed it and the funds weren’t available. Remember, preventative maintenance will lower the need for costly repairs. 

Work with the Asphalt Paving Experts to Get the Most from Your Project

The above steps will help set up your paving project. Learn as much about your particular asphalt paving project as you can to make sure you get the best results. As soon as you have assessed the area, get in touch with expert asphalt pavers like those at Ajax Paving. We have been in the business for more than 50 years. Give us a call today to chat through your project.